Meta Programming Ruby - Book
Netflix - Chaos monkey/gortilla/kong
Jython - Python+Java Mainly used in admin and QA
HereDoc - Here be documentation (note it’s three double quotes)
Eric Evans, Domain Driven Design. Build an unambiguous language
lambda calculus. What would happen if a formula was an input to a formula.
Underscore.js - Full functional JS toolkit.
COD IBm 70s, inveted Relasional DB, based on SQL.
OO done well when you can use it without knowing the internal works.
Liz coff | Zen Shaw | Alen Holomb - Compleelty encapsulated OO Godfarther
AOP framework.
Look up - Average use sum or reduce
Data types which return False, anything which is not in this list will return ture. So for example -1 will return True.
To specify an empty body use pass
if a<b:
Python is strong, dynamically typed. Meaning that a variable will not change it’s type without explicitly being stated. That being said the following is perfectly valid.
a_variable = 1
a_variable = "I am a string"
Because the variable does not have a type.
Pythons operators will only accept compatible types. Otherwise it will raise a type error.
no1 = 1
no1 + 1234
print(no1 + "abc")
except TypeError as e:
print("Dynamic typing means '+' wont work with mismatched types")
Python everything is an Object. Nothing is a value type, only reference type.
ref = print
<built-in function print>
Duck typing Python accepts any object as a function argument. If it walks and talks like a Duck, it’s a Duck.
class MyFoo():
def foo(self):
class MyBar():
def bar(self):
def callFoo(func):
mf = MyFoo()
mb = MyBar()
except AttributeError as e:
print("Missing Attribute/Method.")
enumerate(iterable, start=0)
Takes a compatible type, sequence, and returns an iterator (ID:Value). Also see Iterator
for pair in enumerate([10,20,50,80,40,100]]):
print('Value at index %d is %s' % (pair[0], pair[1]))
while supports the else clause. It will only be called when ‘break’ is not used.
List (mutable), Tuple (immutable), strings and maps
tuple = (a,b,c)
Tuple is an immutable list. See List comprehension
Functions with many arguments, you can use def manyArguments(name, *args):
Put all remaining parameter in a tuple sequence.
def manyArguments(name, *args):
print("Hey %s\nOther arguments:" % name)
for arg in args:
print("\t%s" % arg)
manyArguments("pigeon", 1, 5, 5.0)
Functions can be given in any order if specified as func(b=12, a='ab', x=99, y='zz')
Don’t use re.match unless you want to match strings only at the beginning.
A match object is returned on success, otherwise None, it’s boolean True. It is better to use a match object where you can.
iterator = re.finditer('(pig)([a-z]{3})', "beep pigeon troll")
for match in iterator:
print("Full match (%s) \nGroup 1 (%s) \nGroup 2 (%s)" \
% (,,
re.sub can take a function as replacement value.
def myFunc(match):
subResult = re.sub('PIGEON', myFunc, "BEEP PIGEON TRoLL")
Unnamed function, a function which is a self contained block of code which can be used as a parameter. Restricted to just one line.
lambda a,b: a + b
Example as above:
subResult = re.sub('PIGEON', lambda m:, "BEEP PIGEON TRoLL")
Built-in Python.
Quick python hack to reverse words. Start at the default 0, end at the default len(str), set the stepping point to -1.
[start : ending : stepping char]
Some examples, reduce the amount of loops a clearer simpler syntax. Do it imminently.
Important to note that the number of fields a class can have may not be constant. When writing a class it’s a good idea to override _str_ and _repr_ methods. Repr is used to return a formal machine readable version of the class used for serialization. It’s not possible to have private fields, it’s a scripting language, it’s not designed for big projects. (See Larry Wall on privacy- shotgun). Although you can add __
(underscore, underscore) to a field name, which will mangle it. This can help prevent potential shadowing and accidental use. Though it won’t stop bad people from doing bad things.
If a class uses _enter_ and _exit_ you can use with. This is used for IO and network to close and open file descriptors.
class Pigeon:
def __enter__(self):
print("Starting the pigeon drive... ", end='')
def activate(self):
print("Activated. ", end='')
def __exit__(self, xc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
print("Power down complete!")
pig = Pigeon()
with pig:
‘@’ are used as a decorator. It is attached to a class or method. It can declare properties and static methods.
Good for database connections. Accessed via every instance of class.
class Pigeon:
numPigeons = 0
def __init__(self):
Pigeon.numPigeons += 1
Static method. Declared in the class but does not become part of the new instance. Static methods live at the level of the class. Note that there is no ‘self’, so no current object/instance.
class Pigeon:
numPigeons = 0
def __init__(self):
Pigeon.numPigeons += 1
def print_pigeons():
p1 = Pigeon()
p2 = Pigeon()
def my_decorator(func):
def my_wrapper(*args):
print("Replacing '%s' with 'Pigeon'" % args[0])
func('Pigeon', args[1])
return my_wrapper
def foo(a, b):
print('Foo called with %s and %s' % (a, b))
foo('Cat', 'Dog')
my_decorator must accept return a function. This function (my_wrapper) will now be invoked instead of Foo.
This allows arbitrary functions to be called as a wrapper for functions. For example you can add @log, which could log when and what arguments the function was called with. This is called Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), aspects change over time. More examples of decorators are Thread safety, auditing and security i.e user permissions.
Decorators are used to specify properties. Properties look like a field but acts like a method.
class Pigeon:
def __init__(self, numb):
self.numbPigeons = numb
def __str__(self):
return str(self.numbPigeons)
def count(self):
return self.numbPigeons
def count(self, value):
self.numbPigeons = value
def count(self):
self.numbPigeons = -1
# raise TypeError("Pigeons do not talk")
p = Pigeon(1)
p.count = 10
del p.count
To create your own iterator object you need to have the _iter_ and _next_ method. At the end simply raise StopIteration
See docs
class PigeonIterator:
def __init__(self, input): = input
self.index = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index == len(
raise StopIteration
retn =[self.index]
self.index += 1
return retn
for pigeon in PigeonIterator(("Aachen Cropper", "Baja Tumbler", "Beak-Crested Jacobin")):
Meta classes, a class which holds the details of another class.
k = PigeonClass.__class__
for name in k.__dict__:
print('\t\t%s' % name)
Any class inherited from unittest and a method which starts with test.
import unittest
class PigeonTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.pigeonObj = Pigeon(12)
def tearDown(self):
def test_count(self):
def test_set(self):
self.pigeonObj.count = 9999999999999
def test_del(self):
del self.pigeonObj.count
if __name__ == '__main__':
Unlike list comprehension, generators only generates a value wen you say next they are lazy.
g = generator()
Is a link to live function, it will not return anything until next is called on it. Usefull for making queries to a database to prevent 100 calls as soon as the script is loaded.
It returns a StopIteration
when it is finished.
def generate(number, power):
print('Raising %d to the power of %d' %(number, power))
retval = 1
for x in range(power):
retval *= number
yield retval
g = generate(4, 5)
print('%5d' % next(g))
print('%5d' % next(g))
print('%5d' % next(g))
print('%5d' % next(g))
print('%5d' % next(g))
except StopIteration as ex:
print('Whoops - generator has completed!')
myList = list(generate(5, 4))
for item in myList:
print('%5d' % item)
Inside generator we yield and return a value.
Shorthand/simpler - Generator expression
g = (c * 2 for c in 'python')
16 Apr 2014 | Tags ( python )
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